Top 10 real life famous wizards
John Dee

real life famous wizards-John Dee
Dee was both a supernatural and a logical counselor to England’s Queen Elizabeth I. He was an exceptionally wise man who took to concentrating on each field he could get his hands on. He distributed a book called Monas Hyroglyphica which was a glyph that addressed creation and its solidarity. Not long after his hypothetical interpretation of the soul world, he needed more and searched for a method for interfacing with the spirits straightforwardly. It was then that Dee met Edward Talbot (later to be known as Edward Kelley). Kelley was a nearby accomplice and magician to Dee and the two of them voyaged Europe showing their mystical abilities to eminence. In the year 1587, Kelley let Dee know that he had addressed the “holy messengers” and they let him know that the pair expected to share each other’s spouses. John Dee passed on Edward and got once again to England subsequent to hearing this and turned into a superintendent in Manchester at Christ’s College.