10 Biggest Misconceptions About Islam
Islam is a widely followed religion all across the world, yet there are many misconception’s about it.
So here are 10 Biggest Misconceptions About Islam!
Allah is only the God of Islam

Biggest Misconceptions About Islam-Allah is only the God of Islam
Allāh الله is basically the Arabic word for “The God.” This is the God of Abraham. Christians communicating in Arabic would agree that Allah for God. The God of Abraham incorporates Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The genealogy for Jews and Christians goes under Isaac and for Muslims under Ismael. Both are the children of Abraham. This is significantly misconstrued by non-Muslims and Muslims the same.
Jihad is a hostile Holy War

Biggest Misconceptions About Islam- Jihad is a hostile Holy War
Jihad جهاد in Arabic doesn’t actually imply “sacred conflict.” It signifies “to endeavor, to put forth a concentrated effort, to battle, to continue on.” Jihad can be private or it very well may be a local area of people battling against mistreatment. Generally, it means to turn out to be nearer to God in way of life and local area. This kind of battle (jihad) is to guarantee that a tranquil and evenhanded local area keeps on existing. Protective means are satisfactory to defend the local area anyway hostile animosity is completely restricted. The Arabic word for battling is qital and harb implies war. Jihad in any structure is referenced multiple times in the Qur’an and qital/harb (battling/war) are referenced multiple times in the Qur’an. A few sources guarantee jihad is referenced as much as multiple times, however this is erroneous. Joining battling, war, battle and comparative undertones might liken to 164 (in the Qur’an) yet these are not delegate of jihad. Radical pioneers and islamophobes, each on inverse sides of the range, have changed, altered or confounded the Qur’an to suit their necessities.
Slavery is adequate and slave females have no freedoms

Biggest Misconceptions About Islam-Slavery is adequate and slave females have no freedoms
Subjugation is acknowledged exclusively in specific circumstances in war or when a direct actual danger exists. The Qur’an surah (90:13) states that those liberating a slave (at whatever point possible) are honored individuals according to God. Further, three Qur’an surahs (4:36), (9:60), (24:58) encourage graciousness to slaves. With respect to female slaves, it is very clear: surah (4:24) states “and furthermore denied to you are undeniably hitched ladies aside from those your right hands have. This is the announcement of God upon you. Also, legal to you are all others for example slave young ladies past these, given that you look for them in marriage with gifts from your property, craving celibacy, not unlawful sex. So for anything you appreciate of marriage from them, give them their due pay as a commitment. Furthermore, there is no fault upon you for what you commonly consent to past the commitment.” Surah (24:33) states “make an agreement with them on the off chance that you realize there is inside them goodness and give them from the abundance of God which He has given you. What’s more, don’t constrain your slave young ladies to prostitution.” Isis has changed or potentially misjudged such stanzas to underwrite assault.
As a strict researcher, I’ve perused the Qur’an various times. However I have been concentrating on in more detail the different translations of the stanzas containing whom your right hand has (slave young ladies). What I find is that prostitution is prohibited and there is no immediate reference to permitting trivial sexual relations (unquestionably not assault) with slave young ladies.
72 ‘Virgins’ for saints

Biggest Misconceptions About Islam-72 ‘Virgins’ for saints
The Qur’an and the conceivable hadith (idioms of the Prophet) assortments are decisive with respect to self destruction being prohibited. Surah (4:29) states: “Nor kill (or annihilate) yourselves” and surah (2:195) says: “And don’t hurl yourselves in obliteration” are only two of the numerous models. A frail and inconsistent hadith specifies 80,000 workers and 72 spouses however no such notice of 72 virgins. Muslims are supposed to overlook such inconsistent idioms. There are likenesses in Christianity as there are many books not in the standard and moreover Christians are supposed to overlook such (particularly odd or unusual) statutes.
Aisha was age 9 when she married Muhammad

Biggest Misconceptions About Islam-Aisha was age 9 when she married Muhammad
First it is important to provide some background information: Muhammad was married to an older woman Khadija (a widow) for 25 years and maintained a monogamous relationship until her death. When the Muslims were forced to move from Mecca to Yathrib (re-named Medina literally meaning the city but later construed to mean the city of the prophet), Muhammad had studied and practiced some Judaism as Arab Jews had occupied Yathrib/Medina for many years. Early Judaism allowed polygamy. Some of examples of this include the early patriarchs of the faith like Lamech, Abraham, Esau, Jacob, David, Solomon to name a few. Further, the Mosaic Law specifically permitted polygamy in Exodus (21:10), Leviticus (19:20) and Deuteronomy (21:15-17).
It is only logical to assume that since Muhammad was monogamous for many years with Khadija, that Judaism influenced his acceptance of polygamy. However, Muhammad only married widows (most of which lost husbands in battle) with the exception of Aisha. Aisha is not mentioned by name in the Qur’an but this does not mean she didn’t exist. She is mentioned in other sources like the hadith collection. The tribal expectations of that era were very stringent regarding sexual relations and girls were expected to reach puberty before consummation. It is possible Aisha reached puberty at an early age but much older than 9. Records of ages in the 7th century are inaccurate. Aisha is said to have joined Muhammad during the Battle of Badr, in 624 CE. However, because no one below the age of fifteen was allowed to accompany solders in battle, Aisha should have been at least fifteen in 624 CE and thus at least thirteen when she was married following the Hijra in 622 CE.
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Punishment for Apostasy in Islam is passing

Biggest Misconceptions About Islam- Punishment for Apostasy in Islam is passing
With regards to a backslider in Islam, the Qur’an Sura 2:256 is extremely clear which expresses that “there is to be no compulsion in issues of religion.” However, Sura 9:5 says “And when the hallowed months have passed, then, at that point, kill the polytheists any place you track down them and catch them and blockade them and sit on pause for them at each spot of trap. Be that as it may, assuming they ought to atone, lay out petitioning heaven let them go on their way.”
This section depicts a troublesome time when the polytheist Meccan Quraysh clan and some Arab Jewish tribes were forcing and going after the Muslims. Muhammad was a middle person among the battling Jewish and agnostic factions in Medina and had worked out a détente however a portion of these groups were awkward with the game plan and broke the ceasefire. The polytheist Quraysh and a portion of the Arab Jewish tribes plotted together and made a few endeavors on Muhammad’s life and on one event, came surprisingly close to harming him. Fanatics take this refrain inappropriately and inaccurately accept that killing any non-Muslim is the announcement here.
Isis individuals are Muslims

Biggest Misconceptions About Islam-Isis individuals are Muslims
Isis individuals unmitigatedly disregard the Qur’an, for instance, surah (49:13) says, “O Mankind. We made you from a solitary sets of a male and a female and made you into countries and clans that you might know one another. Verily the most regarded of you in seeing God is the most equitable of you.” Islam orders the cooperation with people of various religions, societies and races. However Isis and other fanatic gatherings take stanzas of the Qur’an wrong to permit killing honest individuals. Disregarding the strong Quranic direct in surah (5:32) which says, “In the event that anybody kills an individual, maybe he kills all humanity while assuming that anybody saves a daily existence maybe he saves the existences of all humankind.” And surah (2:256) says “There will be no impulse in religion.” The heads of Isis, with their twisted plan enlist young fellows who are frantic, made do, and poor. They need importance and heading throughout everyday life and have almost no information on the religion that case to address. The pioneers marginally change or potentially purposely confuse the stanzas in the Qur’an and give this data to the new unwary youthful individuals from Isis.
Jesus is unessential in Islam

Biggest Misconceptions About Islam-Jesus is unessential in Islam
Jesus is a venerated prophet and savior in Islam. The Islamic custom accepts Jesus will return as savior and rout the counter Christ. This eschatological view is comparable in Christianity. Muslims additionally have confidence in the restoration as do Christians with the distinction being that Jesus didn’t kick the bucket on the cross. Dissimilar to Christians, Muslims don’t anyway accept Jesus is heavenly and child of God.
Sharia Law is obsolete and savage

Biggest Misconceptions About Islam-Sharia Law is obsolete and savage
Sharia regulation or Islamic regulation is tied in with safeguarding the blameless and maintaining Islamic qualities. This incorporates supplication, noble cause and fasting (to recollect those on the planet who need more to eat) during the blessed time of Ramadan. Sharia Law isn’t about outrageous disciplines for minor offenses. Where the disarray lies is that the punishments for offenses during the early Islamic period (during Muhammad’s life and sooner from there on) appeared to be savage anyway the Islamic laws of this period were a long ways above pre-Islamic Arabia. Pre-Islamic Arabia was ancestral and noxious. There were no conventional regulations or rules. The clans were male ruled. Ladies, with a couple of interesting exemptions, had no privileges and were seen as sex protests as it were. For the littlest reasons, youngsters were covered alive. There were no conventional state run administrations at all. Beating for minor offenses in the early Islamic period could appear to be unforgiving however in pre-Islamic Arabia, unavoidable demise would come as an outcome. In present day times, fanatics think that applying the early old fashioned Islamic regulations are suitable anyway mankind has altogether progressed through schooling in the cutting edge period. We have acquired a more noteworthy comprehension of psychological sickness, as well as perceived the significance of equivalent privileges for ladies and gays. Furthermore, in particular, we have arrived at a more noteworthy cognizance in the utilization of contemporary restoration conventions and subsequently have acquired a higher achievement rate. To put it plainly, there is no requirement for such unforgiving disciplines to restore an individual. There was no such thing as this understanding in the early Islamic culture and besides existed in no general public during the vestige time frame.
Taqiyya urges Muslims to deceive accomplish their objectives

Biggest Misconceptions About Islam- Taqiyya urges Muslims to deceive accomplish their objectives
As per Ben Carson, taqiyya in Shia Islam, permits one to lie or beguile to accomplish a goal. Notwithstanding, in the event that Ben Carson had concentrated on his religion, he could have a superior comprehension of what taqiyya truly implies. Taqiyya is permitted exclusively in instances of fast approaching peril in particular possible loss of lives. Perhaps Ben Carson ought to bar himself from the official race since his distorted perspective on taqiyya exists in Christianity also. For instance, Paul of Tarsus in first Corinthians 9:19-23 depicts how he lied and hoodwinked to draw people to Christianity. A statement from strict researcher, Dr. Omid Safi on this point makes sense of it totally, “In a word, it (taqiyya) states to esteem human existence over statement of confidence. It is the so-called question: If a Shia is being mistreated, and somebody holds a weapon to your head asking ‘are you a Shia?’ you are permitted to say ‘no’ to save a human existence.”
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