Top 10 real life famous wizards
Cornelius Agrippa

real life famous wizards-Cornelius Agrippa
Frequently alluded to as the best performer of his time, Agrippa was an extraordinary essayist. He composed many books on the operations of the dim expressions and their purposes. One of his most popular books is the “De Occulta Philosophia Libra Tres” which generally converts into “Three Books of Occult Philosophy”. It was a book that showed an arrangement of enchantment that dealt with three levels – The normal wizardry or speculative chemistry and stargazing and the vocal sorcery or the gathering of spirits. He accepted and composed that all sorcery was established in divine work. Agrippa concentrated on the mysterious and it working and rehearsed it to a place where he expounded on calling spirits to dispose of bugs around the house. Despite the fact that Agrippa was a strong wizard, he at last surrendered it around 1530. He was certain that research and putting stock in the mysterious would take him to damnation. He even cautioned perusers in his last book about utilizing these powers yet why he out of nowhere chosen to leave the dim expressions stays a secret.