Top 10 real life famous wizards
Papus – Real Life Wizards

Papus – Real Life Wizards
Otherwise called Gerard Encausse, the incomparable Papus was brought into the world in the year 1865. He was a mysterious author and even composed many books on the dull expressions which he rehearsed routinely. In the year 1888, Papus established a mysterious gathering named the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix. While taking part in his gathering, he was a piece of other sorcery social orders like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light. His greatest realized mystical excursion was during the 1900’s the point at which he visited Tsarina Alexandra and Tsar Nicholas II in Russia. In 1905 when he visited the Russian family, he summoned the Tsar’s dad’s soul who said that the privileged position would be lost by Nicholas II by an uprising of individuals. He even said that the uprising wouldn’t occur for however long Papus is alive. At the point when the wizard kicked the bucket, Nicholas II was toppled only 141 days after the fact.