Top 10 real life famous wizards
Hayyim Samuel Jacob Falk

real life famous wizards-Hayyim Samuel Jacob Falk
Rabbi Hayyim Samuel Jacob Falk was brought into the world in Germany in the year 1708 however escaped to London in dread of being scorched to death. He entered London in the 1940’s and he was immediately known as the Baal Shem of London in light of his noteworthy spiritualist abilities. Clearly he could move objects with his psyche and he even once filled a basement with coal by utilizing a couple of chants. It has likewise been said that the rabbi saved the Great Synagogue in London from a fire by simply composing a couple of words in Hebrew on the points of support. He even gave an enchanted ring to the Duke of Orleans to guarantee that the progression to the privileged position would stay inside the family. The ring was given over to the Dukes child who in the end became French King Louis Philippe.