Top 10 real life famous wizards
Aleister Crowley

real life famous wizards-Aleister Crowley
This man was named as “the wickedest man on the planet” and for good explanation. He was the greatest medium on the planet and molded the manner in which present day soothsayers worked with wizardry. He was extremely keen on speculative chemistry and he later joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in the year 1898. He put stock in sexual openness which gave him a standing and assisted him with ascending through the positions in the Hermetic Order. His convictions and working was the underlying driver of the quarrels between the London and French parts of the Order. He before long left the general public and began his own mysterious gathering. He established the A.A in 1907, which was a general public that depended on Thelemic convictions that he had shaped. He asserted that he was given directions from Aiwass who was the courier of Horus (Egyptian God). Clearly this courier let him know that he another age prophet. His general public began the law “do what thou shrink”. He then, at that point, got comfortable Sicily. Crowley not just summoned spirits from old Egypt, he was engaged with the relapse of death and professed to recuperate recollections from his past life as Eliphas Levi.