Top 10 Most Shocking Johnny Depp Characters

John Wilmot – The Libertine

John Wilmot – The Libertine
“You won’t approve of me.” So begins The Libertine, with that line of exchange coming directly from the mouth of one of the most famously affable entertainers in film. At the point when Johnny Depp breaks the fourth divider to tell the crowd he doesn’t mind what they think, you know you’re in for a treat.
As John Wilmot, the Second Earl of Rochester, Depp plays a sexual narcissist with theoretical moxie. He is genuinely the eponymous legend of the story, a sincerely bankrupt libertine with little command over his longings. As he has his direction with innumerable ladies in rooms, passages, and stagecoaches, Wilmot contracts syphilis and consistently loses his nice kid appearance. Compelled to wear a veil to safeguard the world from his incarnate wantonness (syphilis took his nose), he is out of commission at 33 years old, ready to bite the dust for his innumerable thoughtless activities.
Depp shows incredible order in this job and grit in a real sense asking the crowd to despise him. For an entertainer and a VIP with such clout, his carefree spurning of the show and mainstream society agreement is maybe his most prized trait.