Top 10 Best Star Wars Characters

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
Yes, we are talking about a galaxy that generated into the creative mind of George Lucas many years ago. A galaxy that gave numerous heart-touching moments to the fans. A galaxy that delivered several iconic characters.
George Lucas could have imagined in his wildest dreams that the release of the first Star Wars instalment would open the doors of a much bigger interstellar universe. Do you remember how many times have you watched Star Wars movies? Hundreds? Or maybe even thousands? Just kidding!
Yes, this franchise has received its fair share of criticism for introducing some controversial elements. But we also cannot deny that it has given so much to the fans. It changed the way people used to look at movies. Moviegoers only knew about genres like comedy, horror, drama, action, and others until this epic space saga arrived!
We have witnessed many exhilarating action sequences, legendary lightsaber duels, epic musical scores, gripping storylines, shocking moments, and many outstanding characters!
Here are the top 10 best Star Wars characters who shaped the franchise for all generations! (Beware of the spoilers!)
Kylo Ren

Kylo Ren (Adam Driver)
Kylo Ren is probably the best character in the sequel trilogy. Yes, most of the diehard fans really “hate” the sequel trilogy. We do not believe that we have to mention all the chaos here. But the character that stood out the most in this series was Kylo Ren! Born as Ben Solo, he was the son of Princess Leia and Han Solo. He became one of the young padawans of his uncle, Luke Skywalker. But all hell broke loose when he joined the dark side under the influence of Supreme Leader Snoke. He, along with the First Order, destroyed the new Jedi Temple. But he was brought to light by the help of Rey, a scavenger who later turned out to be Palpatine’s granddaughter.
Adam Driver portrayed the role of Kylo Ren (Ben Solo). He gave a committed and devastating performance in this series. He beautifully brings out the pain, conflict, and suffering he endured after joining the First Order.

R2-D2 (Kenny Baker/Jimmy Vee)
From the commencement of the Republic-Separatists war to the culmination of the First Order, a lot of things changed in the Star Wars universe. But there was one character who never failed to entertain us. And that character was none other than our favourite droid, R2-D2. This little droid is the perfect example of loyalty and true friendship. It played crucial roles in the execution of various important missions. Whether it was Anakin or Luke, R2 always helped both of them whenever they got in trouble. When the latter Jedi went into hiding, he trusted none other than R2 to save his hiding location. We know that you all want a droid like R2!

C-3PO (Anthony Daniels)
Meet the best protocol droid in the Star Wars universe… C-3PO! Assembled by young Ani, it provided its services to the Republic and later to the Rebels. It understands more than six million forms of communication. Nobody doubts its honesty and loyalty, but it is also one of the timidest characters in the history of the Star Wars franchise. Despite showing signs of fear, it has functioned as a big comic relief in the entire Skywalker saga. Anthony Daniels is the only actor that has portrayed this remarkable character in all the Star Wars instalments.
Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka Tano (Ashley Eckstein/Rosario Dawson)
Ahsoka Tano may have taken a long time to make its live-action appearance, but the diehard Star Wars junkies know her from the early Clone Wars days. Do you remember those times when this character received a lot of hate from the fans? Now, she is considered one of the best female Star Wars characters of all time. I guess… times have changed?
The white lightsaber has been Ahsoka’s signature weapon for a long time now. She received her training from Anakin Skywalker. Ashley Eckstein voices her character in the animated shows. On the other hand, Rosario Dawson portrayed this character in the live-action series, The Mandalorian.
Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill)
“I am your father!”
A line that changed the entire future of Luke Skywalker. Before becoming a Jedi, he was a farmer at his home planet, Tatooine. He later became one of the best pilots for the Rebels. He is the son of Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker. Luke is the main character of the original trilogy. After receiving his training from Master Yoda, he fought against Darth Vader and brought him to light in his final moments.
Many years later, Luke opened a Jedi Temple to train a new generation of Jedis. Ashamed of what happened to the temple and Ben Solo, he went into hiding on a planet named Ahch-To. He also trained Rey and helped her in eliminating Palpatine with the help of his force spirit.
Princess Leia

Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher)
There is no doubt in admitting that Princess Leia (later became General) is one of the bravest characters in the Star Wars universe. Born as the daughter of Padmé and Anakin, she is also the twin sister of Luke. However, the remaining Jedis decided to split the babies as their lives would have come in danger. Leia was adopted by Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan. After playing an important role in the destruction of the Galactic Empire, she later leads the Resistance against the First Order. She is also the mother of Ben Solo.
Palpatine/Darth Sidious

Palpatine/Darth Sidious (Ian McDiarmid/Ian Abercrombie)
The character who first told the tragedy of Darth Plagueis to all the fans around the world… Sheev Palpatine! He was the one who lured Anakin to the dark side and later made him his apprentice. After disguising himself as Palpatine, he secretly laid his plan to convert the Republic into the Galactic Empire right under the nose of the powerful Jedis. We assume that you have not forgotten his historic “Order 66”.
After losing his life in Return of the Jedi (1983), Darth Sidious returned in the final episode in the form of a clone of himself. Her granddaughter, Rey, finishes him for good with the help of Ben Solo. Any talented actor could have portrayed this evil character. But it was Ian McDiarmid’s enthralling performance and silky voice that made this character memorable.
Han Solo

Han Solo (Harrison Ford/Alden Ehrenreich)
“I love you.”
“I know!”
These lines pretty much sum up the character of Han Solo. One of the former proud owners of Millenium Falcon, he also worked for the Rebels and later fell in love with Leia. Despite being a petty smuggler, he possessed a good heart with noble intentions. Along with his buddy, Chewbacca, he completed various exhilarating missions for the Rebels. Unfortunately, he lost his life to his son when the latter murdered him with this lightsaber. However, his memory brings back Kylo to the bright side in the final episode.
Can you imagine anyone other than Harrison Ford playing this role? Hell no! But it seems like Disney imagined this scenario and gave this impossible task to Alden Ehrenreich in the Solo anthology movie (2018). Alden did a decent job. But a majority of fans still do not accept him as Solo.
Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness/Ewan McGregor/James Arnold Taylor)
“Hello there!”
If you have watched all the Star Wars movies and still do not know how to reply to this dialogue, then you should be ashamed of yourself! Obi-Wan is probably one of the most popular characters in the meme world. After being trained by Master Qui-Gon Jinn, he became a Jedi Master and a general in the Republic-Separatists war. He taught young Anakin the ways of the Jedis. After the execution of Order 66, he went into hiding like the remaining Jedi Masters. He also commenced the training of Luke in the episode, The New Hope (1977).
Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker

Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen/Jake Lloyd/James Earl Jones/Sebastian Shaw/Matt Lanter)
There is no other character in the Star Wars universe that deserves the top position on this list other than Darth Vader! Born as Anakin Skywalker, he was the son of Shmi Skywalker. He was discovered on the planet of Tatooine by Jedi Master Qui Gon Jinn. Soon, he became the young padawan of Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. He fell in love with Padmé and later became the father of Luke and Leia.
Anakin was lured to the dark side by the Sith Lord, Darth Sidious. He wanted to save Padmé from her death but ended up being the reason for her death. After losing more than half of his body in an epic lightsaber duel with Kenobi, he was turned into a cyborg by Sidious. He also led the Galactic Empire in the original trilogy.