Top 10 Rarest Flowers in the World
Kadupul Flower (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)

Rarest Flowers in the World- Kadupul Flower (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)
This blossom is handily developed, however is uncommon for the sole explanation that it sprouts so once in a while. They are found in Sri Lanka in the wild and have profound importance to Buddhists. At the point when they do sprout, they blossom just around evening time and afterward bafflingly shrivel before day break. As per Buddhists, it is trusted that when the blossom sprouts, the Nagas (semi-legendary Sri Lankan clans) drop from their eminent homes to introduce the rose as a gift to Buddha. The blossoms are strangely scented and produce fragile, white blossoms. The blossom likewise has a rich history in Japan where its name can be deciphered as “Magnificence under the Moon.”