Top 10 Prehistoric Animals That Are Still Alive Today

Musk Oxen

Musk Oxen
Musk bulls can be truly a sight (and smell) to observe, particularly throughout the fall rutting season. During this time, bull musk bulls battle for control of arrays of mistresses by running towards one another and slamming their heads with such power that they can shake the ground from a significant distance away.
It’s can’t help thinking about how these creatures actually get by, however, it’s assessed they’ve been around for 187,000 to 129,000 years. During the 1800s they were extirpated from Alaska, however after they were effectively once again introduced during the 1930s, the populaces developed. At present there are a few thousand musk bulls in Alaska, however, their populaces have been declining lately.
It can in any case invest in some opportunity to track down these creatures in the wild, however, probably the best spot to see them is in Nome, Alaska, where they routinely meander close to the little tundra town. Nome is additionally the well-known endpoint of the Iditarod sled race, which you can watch right on time to-mid March.
Try to likewise look at Nome merchants selling qiviut, the gently delicate underwool reaped from a hostage or even wild muskoxen. This fleece is the absolute best and hottest on the planet (what might you anticipate from an icy creature?) and is significantly more uncommon than cashmere.