Top 10 Most Expensive And Best Painting In The World

The Card Players
Artist: Paul Cézanne
Sale Price: $287.6+ million
Year: 1892/1893
Sale Date: April 2011
Owner: State of Qatar
Sale Price: $287.6+ million
Year: 1892/1893
Sale Date: April 2011
Owner: State of Qatar

The Card Players
Did you know?
The Card Players represents an enormous assemblage of work by the French Post-Impressionist, and hence a lot of craftsmanship history. In addition to the fact that there are five completed compositions of the players, there are various examinations, outlines, and pre-works of the art of the ranchers portrayed. Craftsmanship antiquarians accept that the specialists postured for these investigations at the Aix Café so the craftsman could portray them and essentially moved them to the completed artworks later, at another area.