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10 Beliefs That The Quran & Bible Share




10 Beliefs That The Quran & Bible Share

Production of paradise and earth

Beliefs That The Quran & Bible Share-Production of paradise and earth

Beliefs That The Quran & Bible Share-Production of paradise and earth

Both blessed books uncover both paradise and earth were one substance before God isolated them. According to in the Bible, Genesis 1:6-10, (6), “And God expressed, “Let there be a vault between the waters to isolate water from water.”, (7), “Thus, God made the vault and isolated the water under the vault from the water above it. Furthermore, it was so”. (8), “God referred to the vault as “sky.” And there was night, and there was morning — the subsequent day”. (9), “And God said, “Let the water under the sky be accumulated to one spot, and let dry ground show up.” And it was so”. (10), God referred to the dry ground as “land,” and the accumulated waters he called “oceans.” And God saw that it was great. Quran 21:30-32 peruses, (30), “Have the individuals who doubted not thought about that the sky and the earth were a joined element, and afterward We isolated them and produced using water each living thing? Then will they not accept?”. (31), “And We put inside the earth solidly set mountains, in case it ought to move with them, and We made in that [mountain] passes [as] streets that they may be directed”, (32), “And We made the sky a safeguarded roof, yet they, from its signs, are dismissing”.

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