10+ Amazing Facts About Lithuania

The Land of Nature

Amazing Facts About Lithuania-The Land of Nature
Lithuania is the place that is known for nature. Timberlands covers 1/3 of the nation, including many safeguarded areas, nature holds and the public parks. Lithuania is otherwise called ‘the place that is known for storks’, which is our public bird. It has the most established oak tree in Europe, called The Stelmuze Oak, which is 23 meters high, and is over 1,500 years of age. It requires 8-9 individuals just to embrace its trunk.
In addition, the nation is home to one of the biggest moving sand ridges in Europe. Occasions in Lithuania should continuously incorporate this spot! The Curonian Spit is a one of a kind, helpless, sandy social scene, that was framed and molded by the ocean, wind and some human movement. The Spit is situated on a coastline, and furthermore includes little Curonian tidal pond settlements.