10+ Amazing Facts About Lithuania

Well known Lithuanians

Amazing Facts About Lithuania-Well known Lithuanians
Numerous celebrities across the World have Lithuanian roots. Just to give some examples – the well known American vocalist, craftsman, essayist, and entertainer’s Bob Dylan’s mom was of Lithuanian-Jewish heritage. The Red Hot Chili Peppers lead vocalist’s Anthony Kiedis’ granddad was Lithuanian. The notable American entertainer and comic Jason Sudeikis is a quarter Lithuanian, and his last name stays to be exceptionally Lithuanian.
The well known American entertainer’s Sean Penn’s fatherly grandparents were Jewish-Lithuanians. In addition, the mother of Pope John Paul II was of Lithuanian plummet. Indeed, even Hannibal Lecter, the made up miscreant and the fundamental person from ‘The Silence of the Lambs’ was brought into the world in Lithuania! So I ought not be off-base saying that Lithuanians are essentially all over the place!