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Top 30+ (BEST) No One Cares Quotes and Sayings




Top 30+ (BEST) No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

The most profound longing that any person has is to be really focused on by others. We as a whole need to feel like our life and presence in this world matters to somebody. This accumulation of “nobody cares” quotes catch the aggravation that comes from understanding your life and your activities don’t exactly make any difference to other people.

Here is our selection of Top 30+ (BEST) No One Cares Quotes and Sayings!

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No one cares about race or religion or nationality in space travel. We’re all just part of Team Human.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No one cares about you when you’re in jail.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

Sometimes when you’re sad, no one cares. Sometimes when you cry, no one sees. Sometimes when you leave no one notices.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

Motorsport is very expensive. No one cares if you had a good season two years ago and then you have an injury. It is a very dodgy investment.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

Being lonely isn’t having no one around you, it’s the feeling that there is no one around you who cares.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

You feel lonely not when no one cares about you, but when someone you expect to care does not care about you.

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No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

It seems unfortunate that strong people are usually so disagreeable and overbearing that no one cares for them.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

You don’t want to play a perfect person; no one cares about that.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

At times some may think that no one cares–but someone always cares! Your Heavenly Father will not leave you to struggle alone, but stands ever ready to help.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No one cares about your logo, nor the font size that’s on your site.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

If no one cares for you at all, do you even really exist?

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No one cares until someone cares; be that one!

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No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

Just go up there where no one cares what you say or do.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

The whole world is covered in graffiti. No one cares. It’s just part of urban noise.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

I’m sad and no one cares, I reach and no one’s there.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

Nobody cares unless you’re beautiful or dead.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

The awkward moment when you’re talking & you realize no one cares about what you’re saying.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

It is amazing how much can be accomplished if no one cares who gets the credit.

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No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No one cares about you. No one cares. You will die and be forgotten.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No one is asking what happened to all the homeless. No one cares, because it’s easier to get on the subway and not be accosted.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

You have to make people realize your worth, else no one cares!

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

I’m in a business where no one cares about anything except how well your last collection sold.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

Those nights when you just break down realizing how lonely you are, and that nobody even cares.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

When you are depressed, hurting inside, or feeling down, no one cares, but when you get famous, rich, and popular, everyone is your friend.

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No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No one cares. Apathy is a disease and some days I long for it.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

It is the nature of creation, no one cares how much you are good or bad, just get famous, they all will walk after you.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No one cares to speak to an unwilling listener. An arrow never lodges in a stone, often it recoils upon the sender of it.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No one cares of you, you should care for yourself.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No one cares about anything until it’s something that goes viral. It’s most certainly frustrating.

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

No One Cares Quotes and Sayings

If no one hears you, and no one listens to you, it doesn’t matter how good you are because no one cares about you.

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