Top 10 Protein-Rich Fruits (*Surprisingly Tasty*)

When you think of protein, you probably think meat, seafood, legumes, tofu, yogurt, cheese, nuts and eggs—the usual suspects. And you’re not wrong—they’re among the best foods to consume for protein, an essential macronutrient that builds muscle mass. But fun fact: Fruit contains protein in small amounts too.
So, to give you a better insight I have here the top 10 most high-protein fruits.

Do you want to know which fruit has the most protein? Avocado is the first in the list of best protein fruits. This heavenly fruit is a perfect representation of the fact that even fruits are a strong protein source. Avocado can easily be found at any supermarket and must be eaten immediately after purchase so that you can retain the maximum protein level.

If you are interested in increasing the mass in your body then eating bananas is the best way to go. Bananas are rich in iron and protein which is the perfect diet for any bodybuilder. One banana is enough to provide your body with enough protein that is equivalent to at least 20 grams of pure meat. A banana again can be found at almost any supermarket and is available for the most part of the years.

Jackfruit is a tropical fruit related to figs, and the texture of its unripe flesh is uncannily similar to pulled pork. A one-cup serving contains three grams of protein. It’s also packed with other health benefits, like three grams of fiber and 110 milligrams of heart-healthy potassium, as well as vitamins A and C, magnesium, calcium, iron and riboflavin.

Another tropical treat, guava contains about four grams of protein per cup, making it one of the higher-protein fruits you’ll find. The naturally super-sweet fruit also contains plenty of vitamin C and fiber, especially if you eat the skin and seeds (which you can and should!).

Apricot is full of very natural proteins that are perfect for every day eating. It is a very sweet and beautiful fruit that is an extremely rich protein friendly fruit. Apricot is also full of other natural vitamins and minerals that are absolutely perfect for your body. To stay healthy enjoy an apricot with your meals every day.

Everyone knows that orange is rich in vitamin C which is a perfect and very essential item for the body. But not many people know that oranges are great fruits rich in proteins. As well which is a haven for every bodybuilder or for people that want to gain weight. Oranges are available in abundance and even taste great when made into a fresh juice at home.

No doubt Apple is one of the excellent fruits rich in protein that can keep away from the doctor when you eat one daily. Apples are known to be the only fruit that is eaten once a day will certainly keep the doctor away as the saying goes and the hard fact is that this wonderful fruit consists of a complete variety of minerals and vitamins and little known protein as well which is a perfect protein substitute for your body.

Grapes are also rich in vitamin C but the little known fact is that this fruit is also rich in protein which is a great protein substitute for your body. It is a very efficient fruit to eat every day. Most of the doctors suggest a list of fruits with high protein and grapes are one of them.

With 2.4 grams of protein per 100 grams, dates are a classic protein-rich fruit. Your 5 % of the daily need will be essentially managed by dates. It might not have content as high as meat, but combining and comparing other fruits on the list of fruits rich in protein, these tiny brown fruits are quite the wonder. Besides, dates are also rich in potassium and hence might save you from severe complications with health. Your fibre goals will also be achieved with dates, thus managing your sugar levels and controlling your bowel movement for good.

4 % of your daily protein intake is managed by prunes, a bowl of which has about 2.2 grams of protein. Prunes are a good alternative snack compared to nuts and cashews when hungry. Although high in sugar content, taking them thrice a week will bring no harm. Prunes are also a rich source of cancer-fighting antioxidants, and fibre, which helps in maintaining your weight and keeping your pressure in check.
These are the fruits among most of them which are rich in proteins.