Top 10 Prehistoric Animals That Are Still Alive Today

Bactrian Camel

Bactrian Camel
You have any familiarity with the one-bumped camels utilized as transport in the Middle East before vehicles existed. However, did you had any idea that they advanced from the two-bumped bactrian camel, which meanders the wilds of the Gobi Desert in Mongolia?
Bactrian camels – which kind of resemble a combination of Chewbacca and a llama – developed to endure temperatures underneath 0°F or more 100°F about 2,000,000 years prior. Its two protuberances are utilized to store fat, which the camel separates into energy and water to support it during long, dry, without food periods (if by some stroke of good luck we could lose fat that effectively as well).
Bactrian camels are fundamentally jeopardized in the wild, with less than 1,000 remaining, as per the IUCN. In any case, trained bactrian camels are a significant piece of Mongolian culture, and various visit administrators offer camel-riding undertakings. What’s more, guests can look at the yearly Thousand Camels Festival, held toward the beginning of March in Umnugovi, Mongolia.