Top 10 Most Weirdest Flowers In The World

Top 10 Most Weirdest Flowers In The World: Fascinating blossoms are lovely all of the time. Regardless of whether they look dreadful, they are wonderful and appealing. A piece of their excellence lies in the way that we don’t see them consistently.
In this article, we have gathered 10 unusual blossoms. These blossoms are so odd in nature and shape that will knock your socks off. Additionally, a great many people don’t have the foggiest idea about these blossoms exist. Look down and investigate them.
Star Flower (Stapelia grandiflora)

Star Flower (Stapelia grandiflora) – WIERDEST FLOWER
Perhaps more appropriately called the starfish flower, the Star Flower is another carrion plant (a plant that mimics the smell of dead flesh). Sought by plant collectors and gardeners because of its unique, striking appearance and large fuzzy flowers, this is a plant that is best kept outside.
The color of this plant’s flowers can range from deep reds and purples to lighter pinks, mauves, and yellow. Its touchable, hairy, leathery flower may draw you in but it’s disgusting scent will send you running for the hills. Why? Because the Star Flower’s pollinator of choice is the fly, and what better to lure flies than the sweet, sweet smell of rotting meat!
Protea Pinwheel (Leucospermum catherinae)

Protea Pinwheel (Leucospermum catherinae) – WIERDEST FLOWER
This fun flower looks more like a carnival toy than a creation of nature. Also known as the Catherine-wheel Pincushion, this is the most exquisite of the “firework pincushion” flowers. Not many flowers can compare to a bed of blooming Protea Pinwheels. The coolest fact about this flower is that it’s interconnected with fire. In the wild, Protea Pinwheels are perfectly suited to adapt to harsh climates.
The best time for Protea Pinwheels to bloom is after a fire, when the adult plants, rodents, and other insects that would impede their growth have been destroyed. Protea Pinwheels insure their continued existence by producing little fruit that is collected and eaten by ants. The ants do not eat the seeds, which remain dormant underground until there is a fire at which time the seeds are cued to begin germination.
Corpse lily (Amorphophallus titanum)

Corpse lily (Amorphophallus titanum) – WIERDEST FLOWER
This monster of a plant was made famous in the movie Dennis the Menace. It blooms so infrequently that whenever one does, it often makes local and sometimes global headlines. The Corpse lily is technically a compound flower and only grows in Indonesia, specifically Sumatra.
It’s name comes from the Ancient Greek “amorphos” which means “without form, misshapen.” Not only is this flower extremely rare, it’s extremely large, some can grow up to 12 feet tall and weigh nearly 200 pounds! If you’re still curious as to where it got its name, just take a whiff of one. The flower gives off the putrid odor of a rotting body in order to attract insects for pollination.
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Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata)

Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata) – WIERDEST FLOWER
The Passion Flower has more than 400 different varieties and is known as the Clock Flower in India and Japan. When it was first encountered by Spanish missionaries it was given its name because of its likeness to elements in the story of Jesus’s crucifixion which is also called “The Passion”.
The Passion Flower produces an amazing scent that’s used commercially as well as a tasty fruit, which is used in flavorings for a number of different culinary dishes. Did you know that the Passion Flower is a food source for caterpillars and butterflies and is regularly grown on butterfly farms? Neat!
Flying Duck Orchid (Caleana major)

Flying Duck Orchid (Caleana major) – WIERDEST FLOWER
This fowl orchid is just too cute! Native to Australia, this orchid’s unique shape helps increase its pollination. Sawflies are attracted to its scent and land on the “bill”, where their weight forces them down and inside the flower, temporarily curling the “bill” down and in. From there, the only way out is through a pollen-laden section of the flower where the sawfly finds and then emerges from.
You’d think such a unique looking flower would be easy to find, however it’s reddish brownish coloring makes it blend right into the Australian bush. Want to add the Flying Duck Orchid to your home greenhouse? Sorry! This flower only grows in the wild, in Australia, and has never been propagated. Why you ask? Because in order to grow, it depends symbiotically on a certain type of vegetative fungus that only grows in Australia. It’s a great excuse to go on a vacation though!
Parrot Flower (Impatiens psittacina)

Parrot Flower (Impatiens psittacina) – WIERDEST FLOWER
If you’ve never seen a Parrot Flower before you’re not alone. The Parrot Flower, a Thailand native, is classified as endangered and therefore not allowed to leave the country. The cool thing about the flower of this rare species of balsam is that when you look at its side profile, it looks just like a parrot or cockatoo in flight! Funny thing is, when images of this flower first began to circulate across the Internet they were dismissed as being “digitally manipulated” or Photoshopped because very few people had actually seen one since they are so extremely rare in the wild and it’s illegal to remove them
Dancing Girls (Impatiens bequaertii)

Dancing Girls (Impatiens bequaertii) – WIERDEST FLOWER
These little beauties are one of the rarest flowers around and prove quite hard to find even for the most determined plant collector. Nicknamed for their resemblance to dancing ladies in dresses, these tiny flowers are native to east Africa and come in white and light pink.
The plant itself is quite petite, growing to just about one foot across and bearing blooms that max out at ½” long. Dancing Girls trail and climb, so they make lovely additions to hanging planters where you can enjoy their amazing flowers at eye-level. Dancing Girls will root wherever they touch soil and they make excellent indoor plants if you can find one.
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Bee Orchid (Ophrys apifera)

Bee Orchid (Ophrys apifera) – WIERDEST FLOWER
This happy little guy gets its name from its uncanny resemblance to a smiling bumblebee, that is, if bumblebees could smile. Its name comes from the Greek word “ophrys” meaning eyebrow, perhaps referring to the fuzzy bits around the edge of the flower. The Bee Orchid is widespread across Europe the Middle East and even north Africa, however it’s becoming more and more scarce because the propagation process is so difficult.
You see, the Bee Orchid requires a symbiotic relationship with a certain type of fungus in order to successfully grow, making transplanting extremely difficult. This orchid is more clever than it appears; the flowers are almost exclusively self-pollinating in the northern ranges but the coloring and shape of the flower mimics the look and smell of a female bee which entices male bees towards it to mate, thus expediting the pollination process!
Corpse Flower (Rafflesia keithii)

Corpse Flower (Rafflesia keithii) – WIERDEST FLOWER
Next on our list comes a rather morbid yet beautiful flower— Rafflesia keithii, or, the Corpse Flower. There is a bit of a debate over whether or not the true corpse flower is the Rafflesia keithii or the Titan arum. If you’ve seen the movie Dennis the Menace than you may remember the flower that Mr. Wilson waited nearly 40 years to see bloom—that’s the Titan arum. The Corpse Flower of which we speak now is much more rare and can only be found in the rainforests of Indonesia.
The Corpse Flower is a parasitic organism that has no visible leaves, roots or stems, causing some to argue that the Corpse Flower isn’t a flower at all—rather a fungus. In addition to its vampiric traits, the Corpse Flower is the world’s largest individual flower. Still wondering why it’s nicknamed the Corpse Flower? Let’s just say don’t breathe in its scent too deeply
Bat plant (Tacca integrifolia)

Bat plant (Tacca integrifolia) – WIERDEST FLOWER
The White Bat Plant is one of the world’s largest and most unusual flowers. It’s strange little black flowers come in clusters of twenty to forty and resemble bats’ faces, while the white bracts above resemble bats’ ears. The Bat Plant can grow to anywhere between 60 and 90 centimeters tall and comes in both a black version and a white version.
The whiskers of the flower will also grow quite long, sometimes reaching all the way to the ground. An interesting fact about this weird wonder is that despite its resemblance to the lily it is actually a member of the yam family!
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