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Top 10 Most Powerful DC Characters (*WOW*)

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Top 10 Most Powerful DC Characters

When it comes to strong superheroes, few corporations can compete with DC Characters. To name a few, Superman, Zatanna, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, John Constantine, Raven, Starfire, and Mera spring to mind.

DC, more than other organizations, has done a fantastic job of establishing, developing, and promoting the appropriate superheroes.

Here are the top 10 most powerful DC characters.

The Presence

The Presence

The Presence

The Presence is the greatest form of existence in the DC Universe, and it is responsible for the creation of the angels Michael and Samael.

The Presence is the God of the Covenant and the creator of the DC Universe and all within it.

He was conceived by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Bernard Bailey as the comic version of Abraham, and he originally appeared in More Fun in Comics #52 in 1940. The Presence, which is rarely represented in comics, is frequently spoken about and referenced to rather than being depicted in any manner.

In the DC Universe, The Presence has taken many different shapes and is known by many various names, including Yahweh, The Voice, The Hand, The Source, The Presence, and, interestingly enough, Wally.

Lucifer Morningstar

Lucifer Morningstar

Lucifer Morningstar

Lucifer Morningstar was once the most prideful and gorgeous angel.

Yahweh produced two brothers, as previously said (Samael being the eldest). Yahweh had informed and directed them on how to use their abilities to create the DC Multiverse.

Samael then rebelled against Yahweh, leading the revolt of the angels in Heaven under the guise of Lucifer Morningstar. After falling for more than 10 billion years, he was thus assigned to preside over Hell.

After this period, and after retiring as the king of Hell, he transcended to become God.

Lucifer, like the Biblical figure, is one of the most powerful DC characters, second only to The Presence and His light.

Michael Demiurgos

Michael Demiurgos

Michael Demiurgos

Yahweh the Almighty created two brothers before there was any life, even before the DC Multiverse existed. Michael Demiurgos, along with his twin brother Samael, is credited with the development of the DC Multiverse.

Yahweh gave each of them a gift: Samael a gift of fire and will, and Michael a gift of creation and Demiurgic Power.

Michael is frequently portrayed as the most powerful of all God’s created beings due to the presence of God’s Demiurgic power inside him. It is also with this Demiurgic Capacity that God’s name is written on every atom of all creation, and they have the power to enable the physical creation of the cosmos to occur with Samael’s will.




The Spectre is a manifestation of The Presence, God’s Vengeance, in the DC Universe. Following creation, Lucifer led the angelic revolt against The Presence, one of whom was the angel Raguel/Aztar.

Aztar later repented of his transgressions and was deprived of his memory, becoming the manifestation of His Wrath. This was his atonement. He was to take Eclipso’s position as the Spectre.

To mention a few, the Spectre was responsible for the devastation of Sodom and Gomorrah, the plagues of Egypt, and the demolition of the Walls of Jericho.

When God appeared on human form as Compassion and Redemption, personified by Jesus, Spectre was no longer able to wander the world and was imprisoned until the day of the crucifixion.

When the Spectre was finished, he came forth on the Day of Wrath, ripping through the globe and exacting his wrath on the man until Michael told him of the new “laws.” The Spectre had to be bonded to a human soul from that day forward to wander the Earth again in search of revenge.

Read More: Top 10 greatest superheroes ever

Elaine Belloc

Elaine Belloc

Elaine Belloc

Elaine Belloc’s biological father is the Archangel Michael, who, along with his brother, Lucifer Morningstar, the former King of Hell, supports Elaine on her mission.

Michael, unlike the other angels who were infertile, was not. Sandalphon began experimenting to develop a creature capable of giving birth to angels, which was realised in Elaine.

Michael is forced to yield over his demiurgic power to Elaine after being severely wounded by Fenris the Wolf following a long sequence of conflicts and adventures involving both Michael and Lucifer. Michael’s death would cause the demiurgic force to be released, erasing all creation.

Elaine eventually gains the abilities and takes control over Lucifer’s and Yahweh’s creatures. She takes Yahweh’s position as the God of Creation in the DC Universe after the two realms merge. [Source: CBR]

Superman Prime (One Million)

Superman Prime (One Million)

Superman Prime (One Million)

In a nutshell, Superman Prime is a futuristic version of Superman.

After 15,000 years of residing within the Earth’s yellow sun, the Man of Steel’s powers were boosted to cosmic proportions, giving him near-omnipotence, invulnerability, and the capacity to create life and whole worlds.

In the DC One Million narrative, the original Superman saw his parents, friends, and wife (Lois) die (natural causes) without knowing how or having the resources to rescue them. The melancholy of his losses began to slow him down over time. This eventually led to him handing over the mantle of Superman to his heir, Superman Secundus.

He then departed from Earth. His journeys would extend until the 700th century, during which time he learned incredible talents from the species he met and developed them as his own. After breaking through the Source Wall, he studied under the direction of the Source (described below) and was also bestowed a fraction of its strength.

Even though the extent of his new skills is unknown, he would ultimately return to Earth to establish a new covenant with his descendants. Superman Prime also inherited his progeny’s skills and talents and amplified them to the level of his own.

As part of the agreement, he would give them a fraction of his power in exchange for their service to truth and justice. Later, he would return to his Fortress of Solitude, which was now in the center of the Sun.

Again, Superman Prime is unquestionably one of the most powerful DC heroes. He is unquestionably the most powerful Superman. [Source: Screenrant]




A supervillain who debuted in House of Secrets #61. (August 1963). He is the first manifestation of God’s wrath and the Angel of Vengeance.

Eclipso is imprisoned within the Heart of Darkness, which appears as a tiny, black diamond that was discovered in the barren world of Apokolips.

All persons who come into contact with the diamond are possessed by Eclipso, most notably Bruce Gordon.

Dr. Gordon is a solar energy expert, which is, paradoxically, Eclipso’s one weakness. The islanders thought that researching and photographing an eclipse on Diablo Island would kidnap the ‘Sun God.’ They dispatched Mophir, their witch doctor who held the black diamond, to stop him.

Dr. Gordon plummeted to his death while fighting off the edge of a cliff, but was injured by the black diamond, allowing him to survive the fall. While picking up the diamond during the eclipse, Gordon was converted into the host of Eclipso.

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The DC Universe is quite similar to the genesis tale and beings found in Abrahamic religions. Thus, it is claimed that God created the Earth by saying, “Let there be Light!” And it is those words that The Cult of the Unwritten Book, a group of supervillains who first appeared in Doom Patrol #31 (April 1989), believe cast the Decreator’s shadow.

The Cult summons the Decreator, who cannot be reasoned with or stopped, to unmake the world. The Doom Patrol only succeeded in slowing him down to the point where no one would notice his deconstruction of the cosmos with the use of identical vibrations equivalent to his capabilities.

Read More: Top 10 DC extended universe characters

The Endless

The Endless

The Endless

The Endless is technically not a single figure in the DC Universe, but rather a family of siblings that represent seven separate fundamental principles of our existence.

The Endless are ageless, immortal, and nearly omnipotent from the Vertigo comic series The Sandman. The seven siblings are recognized by their functions rather than their names: Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Despair, and Delirium.

Despite being a collection of concepts and ideas, each sibling has their own set of emotions, thoughts, and personalities. Interestingly, each individual is represented differently in the comics by way of their speech bubbles, with each having a panel description whenever an individual is speaking, and a caption to illustrate the distinctiveness of the speech.




Krona, an Oan born on Maltus, is a scientist who is reputed to be near-immortal and invulnerable. He also has psychic abilities such as telepathy and psychokinesis.

Despite the belief that doing so would result in a tremendous tragedy, Krona grew intrigued with witnessing the beginnings of the cosmos and how it began. He builds a contraption that breaks past the temporal barrier, allowing him to see the beginnings of time itself.

Then he saw the hand of creation deposit the “speck” that would expand to become the cosmos, but this causes his machine to explode right then and there. As a result, the world shatters, resulting in the creation of a multiverse as the cosmos copies itself into alternative universes.

As a result, the Anti-Matter Universe emerges, unleashing fresh evil on the cosmos. This gave rise to characters such as The Monitor and Anti-Monitor.

Interestingly, their activities resulted in the Oans becoming the Guardians of the Universe, with their first act being to punish Krona, converting him into pure energy and leaving him to wander the cosmos.

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