Top 10 Most Beautiful Fishes In The World

Many of us can remember bringing home a goldfish and watching it swim around in its little fishbowl, mesmerized. Well, with all due respect to the beloved goldfish, the fish below can turn any simple aquarium into a spectacular display of colors and shapes, because these are some of the most beautiful fish in the world!
So here I have with me the list of top 10 most beautiful fishes in the world that will make you amazed in all possible ways.
Clown Triggerfish

Clown Triggerfish
The Clown Triggerfish is one of the most spectacular fish of its species, the family Balistidae because its body has a magnificent variety of spots in different colors such as black, yellow, white and light blue. This fish with bright yellow lips prefers to live alone in its territory, meaning that in the vicinity of other fish, especially fish smaller than it, it can be aggressive.
Bicolour Parrotfish

Bicolour Parrotfish
This fish is somewhat reminiscent of the parrot, because of its thick, prominent lips that resemble its beak. With its beak’s help, it nibbles on coral reefs, chews the little creatures inside and spits out the leftovers of the inedible corals, meaning the way it eats it isn’t so different from the colored bird. But this isn’t the most impressive thing about this fish, because the amazing colors that color it are what make it so beautiful.
Emperor Angelfish

Emperor Angelfish
It is not by chance that this fish has been named ‘Emperor of the Generation’ – this type is one of the most beautiful fish in the world thanks to the amazing color contrast on its body, which is composed of brilliant blues, dark blues and whites. But these colors don’t stay that way for its whole life. When the fish reaches adulthood, after about four years, the colors arranged in the rings around its body change and are replaced with strips of yellow and blue, and two back spots around its eyes.
Picasso Triggerfish

Picasso Triggerfish
The Picasso Triggerfish, a cousin of the Clown Triggerfish, is also present in the Gulf of Aqaba and other coral reefs along the Indian Ocean. This spectacular fish has an elliptical body shape, a large head and a particularly powerful mouth that is designed to break oysters and shells. Although fish are thought to have weak long-term memory, the Picasso and other fish belonging to the Balistidae family are intelligent fish that can remember and learn from past experiences!
French Angelfish

French Angelfish
Surprisingly, these impressive fish, with yellow scales that adorn their bodies, are edible and apparently are quite tasty, so in some countries you may find them for sale in the fish markets. These fish are found in the Western Atlantic Ocean, as well as in the Caribbean, along the coasts of Mexico and Brazil, and can grow up to 40 centimeters in length.

You probably recognize the Clownfish as the species that stars in the movie “Finding Nemo.” Although the colors most commonly associated with this fish are orange, white and black, there are other colors of Clownfish. The small fish, which usually grows up to eight centimeters long, travels in a school which at the top of its hierarchy sits the dominant female who is responsible for breeding.

The Zebrasoma are best known for their complementary and harmonic colors: the hypnotic blue-purple color on their bodies and the bright yellow color at the tip of their tails make them the world’s most sought-after and popular fish. However, these fish are also used as bait thanks to the strong scent they secrete, which attracts other fish.
Banggai Cardinalfish

Banggai Cardinalfish
These tiny and unique fish, decorated with long, curly fins, can be found only in one place in the world, in their natural habitat, namely the Banggai Islands of Indonesia. Because these fish are so beautiful and rare, they have become a very sought-after variety in the commercial fish market. Because of this, and because of the very small initial number of this species, these fish are in serious danger of extinction.
Blueface Angelfish

Blueface Angelfish
Of the Angel family, this species is the most colorful, and boasts many shades of blue and yellow, with its face, as its name suggests, colored blue. These fish are common in the waters of the Indian and Pacific Ocean, especially in the shallows, and their size is also considered to be relatively large among the nautical fish, with a length of 35 centimeters.
Moorish Idol

Moorish Idol
The Idol, with its body as thin as a CD, is common in the Indian Ocean and near Japan and South Africa. The Moorish fish received their name from the African Muslims, also known as Moors, who believed that these fish would spread happiness to everyone in their path. Their beauty has made them a sought-after species among ornamental fish enthusiasts, but because these fish are delicate and sensitive, many of them can’t survive and live longer in aquarium conditions.
These are the top 10 most beautiful varieties of fishes that you could probably fall in love at the very first encounter.