Thinking of getting an exotic or different sort of pet? Take a look at these top ten fascinating pets to see if you have what it takes. Remember, while tame pets are kid-friendly, your children should be properly supervised when handling them. Before purchasing an exotic pet, make sure to check the legality of the pet where you live.

A pet chipmunk may not play fetch like Fido, but he can dazzle you with simple tricks or casually use you as a perch. Chipmunks are not low-maintenance pets, but they make great companions. They require human contact (especially when young), plenty of room, and a variety of foods, including seeds, fruits, and vegetables.
Potbelly Pig

Forget the myth about pigs being dirty and dumb. Potbelly pigs (PBPs) are intelligent, easy to train, affectionate, curious, playful, clean, odor-free, and non-allergenic. Their intelligence and quirky personalities make them an interesting and loving addition to the family. However, their curiosity sometimes leads them into mischief, and they may even be destructive. Make sure you do your research on caring for a potbelly pig before deciding to bring one into your home.

Chinchillas are nocturnal creatures, but they make great pets because they are low maintenance, quiet, and odorless, with beautiful soft fur. They become quite tame when they are handled from a young age, and can form a bond with their owner. Chinchillas prefer warm temperatures, enjoy dust baths, and need a consistent feeding routine that includes pellets and good quality grass hay. Being active and playful, they require a variety of toys to keep them busy, especially items for chewing.

Among the most popular pet birds, cockatiels are attractive, friendly, playful, active, and capable of mimicking speech. They are easier to tame than many other parrot species, due to their small size. They specialize in whistling and can often be taught to whistle tunes. Cockatiels have a reputation for being gentle and docile birds, who enjoy being petted and held.

The iguana is the most popular pet lizard. Properly cared for, iguanas make great companions. However, they require a lot of attention and care, including the right temperature, humidity, and light. They need a large terrarium with fresh water, fruits, and vegetables daily.
Insects and Spiders

Insect Spider
It may seem odd to keep insects or spiders as pets, but they are unique creatures that are fascinating to watch. They’re also quiet and require little room and attention. Hissing cockroaches and some tarantulas make the ultimate beginner insect pets because they are rather docile and lack serious weapons such as stingers and threatening venoms.
Sugar Glider Squirrel

Sugar glider squirrels are social animals that belong to the small marsupial group. They are popular exotic pets in North America and can form a close bond with their owner when handled from a young age. Sugar gliders are nocturnal, so their eyes are very sensitive to light. They are highly vocal and are capable of gliding through the air due to a thin stretch of skin between their front and back legs.

Hedgehogs are amazing little creatures that make fascinating pets. They are fairly low maintenance, with a diet consisting mostly of insects. Fruits, vegetables, and cat or dog food make good additions to the hedgehog’s diet. When choosing a hedgehog as a pet, look for one that is young, healthy, well-tempered, and tame. Hedgehogs are a bit nervous and will roll into a ball when threatened or picked up. A handled, tame hedgehog will unroll fairly quickly and lower its quills for some quality bonding time

Ferrets make excellent pets for owners who take the time to bond with them. They are naturally quiet, friendly, companionable, and intelligent – as well as sneaky! They are able to entertain themselves when you are not around to play, which could lead to some mischief and trouble if they are left unsupervised. Because they are natural hunters, it may take some time for ferrets to bond with other animals in the home. Ferrets can be trained to perform fun and amusing tricks for treats.

These miniature kangaroos from down under make a unique pet. A close bond between owner and animal will form when bottle feeding your baby joey. While wallabies can be house trained, they need a securely fenced in area with plenty of room to romp around and graze outside. Naturally curious, these marsupials will explore all parts of the house if unsupervised. Domesticated and bottle-fed wallabies are gentle and docile animals that can make great cuddling companions.