Top 10 Facts About Space

We still don’t know a lot about space, our solar system, and the cosmos! The universe is huge. With billions of galaxies and stars, as well as planets in our solar system, yet to be completely discovered or comprehended, scientists’ understanding of space is constantly changing However, we do understand some extremely fascinating facts about space right now! Some of what we do learn, on the other hand, is truly mind-boggling. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most fascinating truths about space so that when you gaze up at the stars, you may be even more awestruck by what you’re seeing.
No Environment

No Environment
Because there is no environment in space, sound has no medium or method to move to be detected.
Hottest Planet

Venus is the sun’s hottest planet, with an average surface temperature of roughly 450° C. Mercury would appear to be the hottest planet because it is the nearest, but Mercury lacks an atmosphere, producing large oscillations.
Water In Space

Water in Space
For many years, Earth was thought to be the sole planet in our solar system possessing liquid water. NASA recently provided the most conclusive evidence yet that there is occasional flowing water on Mars!
Mass of Sun

The Sun is huge enough that nearly 1.3 million Earths could exist within, or 960,000 assuming the Earths preserved their spherical shape.
Not Possible to Travel

Not Possible to travel
You couldn’t travel on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune because they don’t have a hard crust.
Footprints will stay for million years

Because the moon lacks an atmosphere, there is no wind or water to corrode or wash away the Apollo astronauts’ imprint on the moon. That implies their footprints, rover prints, spaceship prints, and wasted staff will be maintained on the moon for a lot longer, but not permanently because the moon still has a moving environment.
One day on Venus is longer than one year on Earth

Venus has a sluggish axis revolution and its day lasts 243 Earth days. Venus’s orbit around the Sun is 225 Earth days, hence a year on Venus is 18 days shorter than a day on Venus.
The Highest Mountain

Vesta, an asteroid, has the highest mountain discovered to man It is three times the height of Mount Everest, reaching a massive 22km in height!
Usage of Solar Energy

Solar energy
For the last, 15 years the usage of solar energy has expanded at a pace of 20% a year. According to Yale Environment 360, the planet installed 30% more solar energy production in 2017, resulting in the production of 98.9 gigatonnes of solar energy that year.
Dwarf Planet

Dwarf Planet
The asteroid, also known as a dwarf planet, is over 600 miles in diameter. It is by far the biggest asteroid in the Asteroid Belt among Mars and Jupiter accounting for one-third of the belt’s total mass. Ceres’ surface area is roughly equivalent to that of India or Argentina.