Top 10 Extinct Species

In today’s busy world we are missing out to notice so many quirks that are happening around us. To be frank most of us don’t care about such things or don’t have enough time to look at such things. Among all the catastrophic incidents the most fatal was the extinction of wildlife. As humans protecting the wildlife is our primary duty. But we all never do that. Instead, we endanger them. So dreadful to look at the wildlife slowly going out of way merely because of us.
In this article, we are going to remember some wildlife species that existed once, but not now, and also about those species that are on the verge of extinction.
Saber-toothed cat

Saber-toothed cat
Saber-toothed cats or saber-toothed lions once existed around 55 million to 11,700 years ago. These cats are carnivorous and have two blade-like teeth on their front jaw which will grow up to 50cm in some animals. It is not so closely related to any other cats or modern tigers. They are said to have exceptional hunting skills and they can wide open their jaw at an angle of 120 degrees. The main preys of these tigers are sloths, deer, bison. As these animals were on the verge of extinction at the ice age, it is said to be the reason for the extinction of these tigers too.

Being Ice age’s famous character, we’ve seen these gigantic elephants in cinemas. Until then many of us even have not heard about Mammoths and don’t know that they are at the end of extinction. These animals have are generally equipped with long, curved tusks, and are covered with long hair all-around their body. These animals are being through the demise phase due to global warming in the northern parts of Siberia and some struggled to live because of rising sea levels in their habitats.

Dodos are cute-looking flightless birds that are no more today. These birds had gone extinct for so many reasons. It was once mostly apparent on the island of Mauritius and Madagascar. It belongs to the closest family of dove, and pigeons. The main causes for their extinction are poaching, hunting, loss of habitats, and over-competition. The last ever dodo survived till 1681 and was then killed. This had put an end to their entire habitation.
Bali Tiger

Bali Tiger
One of the most populist breeds of tigers that have vanished today. Bali tigers had Indonesia as their origin and home. Once there were eight subspecies of tigers but sadly only five subspecies are left today. Among these, the Bali tigers are the first to go extinct. The foremost cause of extinction of these dignified species was we the humans who slowly inhabited their place and hunting was also the primary cause.
Baiji White Dolphin

Baiji white dolphin
We all adore this beautiful aquatic animal but not all varieties of dolphins are still living. Among the extinct dolphins, the Baiji White Dolphins tops the list. It is a notable fact that these are freshwater living dolphins. Their extinction is mainly due to the impact of humans. Today there is not even one Baiji left and the entire species of this variety of this dolphin has ended up the demise.
Seychelles Giant Tortoise

Seychelles Giant Tortoise
It’s a well-known fact that tortoises can live up to 40 years and even more. But we humans have not kind to these animals as well and we’ve not let them live their life precisely not even to exist. It was pushed to the verge of extinction by hunting and fishing. It was one of the largest tortoises on earth. These tortoises have the longest lifespan of 80 to 120 years.

The Tarpan also know as the Eurasian Wild Horse is also added to our list. It is a subspecies of wild horses. This breed of wild horses has seemed to be extinct due to hunting and cross-breeding them with other domestic horses. In 1909 the last left Tarpan died when it was tried to captivate.
Black rhinoceros

Black rhinoceros
Even though we find some rhinos in the zoo and sanctuaries, they are still at the very end of extinction. But it should be cited that there are many varieties of Rhinos and not all of them exist today. One among them is tha black rhinos. Black rhinos are mostly found in Africa. They are endangered primarily due to hunting as the demand for their horns is high and secondarily due to loss of habitat.
Pyrenean Ibex

Pyrenean Ibex
These are found in the Iberian peninsula and are now endangered. It is the subspecies of Iberian wild goat. But their extinction cause is still a mystery and no evidence proves their extinction. But it is configured that these goats do not exist as of today. It was declared and put into the list of endangered species in 2000 with only 500 of them left. But today it is not sure that they are still in existence.
Passenger Pigeon

Passenger Pigeon
Once upon a time, flying in the streets in huge flocks was no more today. Passenger pigeons or wild pigeons are endangered at the very beginning of the 20th century. It was an original species from North America. These birds are mainly migratory and have got their name from this trait. On September 1, 1914, the last survived passenger pigeon died at the Cincinnati Zoo.
Here we are at the end of this article. I know reading through this is such heartbreak but it’s a mere fact that all of the above species are no more. So we have to make ourselves take the pledge of not hunting, poaching, or killing any of the living creatures herein.