Best Romance Kiss Scenes: Jack and Rose, Lady and the Tramp, Romeo and Juliet…their romantic tales are for the ages, and their kissing scenes are the absolute most noteworthy in Hollywood history. Get your chapstick and pucker up-here are the Top 10 Best Romance Kiss Scenes from Movies.”

‘GONE WITH THE WIND’-Best Romance Kiss Scenes from Movies
The incredible Civil War show, delivered in 1939, centers around the existence of southern beauty Scarlette O’Hara (Vivien Leigh). In the film, she marries Rhett Butler (Clark Gable), who jokes lines, for example, “You ought to be kissed regularly, and by somebody who knows how.” Who couldn’t soften into those arms?
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‘SPIDER- MAN’-Best Romance Kiss Scenes from Movies
No superhuman kiss has at any point verged on matching the topsy turvy kiss divided among Mary Jane and the veiled web-slinger in 2002’s Spider-Man. In the scene, Mary (Kirsten Dunst) figures out how to say thanks to Spidey (Toby Maguire) for saving her life, while he actually stays quiet about his personality.’

‘THE PRINCESS BRIDE’-Best Romance Kiss Scenes from Movies
The exemplary 1987 fantasy parody closes with a kiss divided among The Man dressed in Black (Cary Elwes) and The Princess Bride herself (Robin Wright). The second plays with a voiceover broadcasting, “Since the innovation of the kiss, there have been five kisses that have been appraised the most enthusiastic, the absolute most unadulterated – – this one remaining them generally behind.”

‘WHEN HARRY MET SALLY’-Best Romance Kiss Scenes from Movies
A decade after two recent college grads (Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal) make a unique connection, they run into each other again. However, they agree to make an attempt at staying friends. Of course, this doesn’t last long and it leads to one of the best moments in the movie.
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‘NEVER BEEN KISSED’-Best Romance Kiss Scenes from Movies
At the point when a Chicago columnist (Drew Barrymore) goes covert at a secondary school to investigate contemporary high schooler life in 1999, she starts to succumb to the strikingly attractive English educator (Sam Coulson). The issue is, Barrymore’s personality has never been appropriately kissed. Obviously, the lip-smacking second at long last occurs on a baseball field before the whole school.

‘TWILIGHT’-Best Romance Kiss Scenes from Movies
Girl meets boy. Girl falls in love with boy. Boy turns out to be a vampire. Okay, so it’s not the typical love story. But Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward’s (Robert Pattinson) tale was so epic that it spanned across five films. Beginning with the kiss that started it all in 2008’s Twilight.

‘ROMEO + JULIET’-Best Romance Kiss Scenes from Movies
The 1996 adaptation of this Shakespearean tale got a whole new generation interested in the Bard’s work. Baz Luhrmann’s vision starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes sticks out for its modernized vibe and electric first kiss.
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‘FIFTY SHADES OF GREY’-Best Romance Kiss Scenes from Movies
The lascivious vibe that started as a smash hit book was immediately adjusted into a film in 2015. The narrative of Anastasia Steele (Dakota Johnson) and her sexually fast relationship with extremely rich person finance manager, Christian Gray (Jamie Dornan), enamored the globe the moment he pushed her in a tough spot, and they shared an enthusiastic first kiss.

‘THE NOTEBOOK’-Best Romance Kiss Scenes from Movies
The 2004 Nicholas Sparks exemplary recounts the normal romantic tale of a young lady (Rachel McAdams) who experiences passionate feelings for a kid (Ryan Gosling), and her folks don’t support. However, their enthusiastic kiss in a rainstorm is unadulterated film enchantment.

‘TITANIC’-Best Romance Kiss Scenes from Movies
Our hearts will forever go on. Rose (Kate Winslet) and Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) share a tender and private kiss on the bow of the ship in Titanic, released in 1997.
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