Peace is a concept of societal friendship and harmony in the absence of hostility and violence. In a social sense, peace is commonly used to mean...
Hijab was Founded in 2013 by Namza Kahn and celebrated every 1st February. World Hijab Day celebrates and recognises the many Muslim women around the world...
As Islam is the most followed religion , Islamic people believe its a true religion. So here are 10 Biggest Reasons Muslims Say Islam Is True!...
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community. Islam is the most...
Islam is a widely followed religion all across the world, yet there are many misconception’s about it. So here are 10 Biggest Misconceptions About Islam! Allah...
Toward the finish of June this year, Muslims all over the planet will observe Eid al-Fitr, a celebration that denotes the finish of Ramadan. This is...
Khalid ibn al-Walid (R.A.) was the incomparable Muslim administrator for the Prophet Muhammad (Peace arrive). He likewise served for Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (R.A.) who was...
As Muslims, we accept that Allah is one and Prophet Muhammad PBUH is his last prophet. These are numerous realities about Dajjal in Islamic examinations like...
As indicated by Hindu folklore, the evil spirits have similar status as people and Gods. Divine beings, devils, and people are considered as the offspring of...
Jesus is recognized in both Christianity and Islam, and is indivisible from the center convictions of every religion. However, notwithstanding such countless similitudes and shared beliefs,...
Today denotes the death of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (harmony and endowments arrive and his descendants). Prophet Muhammad was brought into the world in the year...
There has been speculation for years as to whether or not the jews and islamic religion are related while it is believed that the Druelizm originated...
Sunni and Shia are two different denominations of Islam. After the prophet Muhammad’s death in 632 AD, the Sunni and Shiite split occurred. The Sunnis became...