7 Differences Between BANGLADESH and NEPAL

Differences Between BANGLADESH and NEPAL
Bengal is a geopolitical, cultural, and historical region in South Asia, specifically in the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent at the apex of the Bay of Bengal. Bangladesh means “the country of Bengal,” and Nepal is thought to have descended from both the Tibetan word “Nahum Hall,” which means “holy land,” and the Sanskrit word “Nepal,” which means “at the foot of the mountains” or “abode at the foot.”

Differences Between BANGLADESH and NEPAL
The Bangladeshi flag have the red disc on the green flag is a little offset to the left and the red disc represents the Sun rising over a Bengal and also it represents the blood of those people who lost their lives fighting for the independence of Bangladesh now the green color stands for the green fields and the lushness of Bangladesh now when it comes to Nepal’s flag and independence well Nepal has the only flag of its kind in the world now this flag is not square or rectangle in shape but it’s actually made up of two triangles Nepal is also the oldest country in South Asia it was founded back in the year 1768 .

Differences Between BANGLADESH and NEPAL
The date of March 26 is Independence Day of Bangladesh when they celebrate their separation from the rule of Pakistan while Nepal doesn’t actually have an Independence Day because they’ve never actually been conquered so the original founding date of Nepal is September 25th 1768 by the British back in the year in 1923 they declared Nepal’s independence this is because the country was ruled by the Rana family which supported the British prime minister at the time so the Brits were like we’re gonna say you have an Independence Day and it’s actually not an official Independence Day.

Differences Between BANGLADESH and NEPAL
Bangladesh national animal the name of the country is in the name of the tiger but this tiger is a beautiful powerful intelligent majestic all those adjectives type of creature obviously now the Bengal tigers are actually the most populous of all the remaining tiger subspecies with numbers estimated to be around the 2,000 or so individuals in the wild coming to Nepal they declare the cow as your national animal as you know cows are honored in the Hindu tradition and this is pretty recent actually some ball actually adopted its new constitution on the year September 20th 2015 and that’s when the official declaration was made.

Differences Between BANGLADESH and NEPAL
The cinemas of these two countries so for the cinema of bang the – it is in the Bengali language and the film industry based in Dhaka Bangladesh is actually referred to as Dollywood it’s a combination of the words Dhaka and Hollywood now for Nepal their cinema is pretty new with the first Nepalese movie being released back
in the year 1964 and the languages of these films are Nepali now the terms Nelliewood of course is Nepal in Hollywood

Differences Between BANGLADESH and NEPAL
Bangladesh is Armed Forces is ranked 46 in the entire world on the scale of military power in cases of three uniformed military services Bangladesh Army Bangladesh Navy as well as a Bangladeshi Air Force now the headquarters are in Dhaka cantonment when it comes to the Nepalese Armed Forces they rank 122 in the entire world and it consists of the Nepalese army the Nepalese army air service as well as the Nepalese armed police force Nepal isn’t split up in a typical Army Air Force and Navy divisions rather their land service army makes up the majority of the military and the smaller Army Air Service supports the land forces.

Differences Between BANGLADESH and NEPAL
The makeup of the country so for Bangladesh more than half of Bangladesh is population is composed of farmers now the capital and the largest city of Bangladesh Dhaka they have a population of 164 million people and their population density sits at one thousand two hundred sixty-five people per square kilometer now Bangladesh has a total land area of 130,000 170 square kilometres for Nepal Nepal is rich in terms of its culture its religion its ethnic and natural diversity Nepal is also known as the land with the highest mountain in the world Mount Everest now their population sits at twenty-eight point nine million people and their population density is a total of 203 people per square kilometer and they have a total land area of a hundred and forty three thousand three hundred fifty square kilometers.
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