10 + Surprising Facts About Uganda

Uganda Has Experienced Three Decades Of Yoweri Museveni

Surprising Facts About Uganda-Uganda Has Experienced Three Decades Of Yoweri Museveni
Uganda has been controlled by President Yoweri Museveni for the beyond 33 years and from the vibe of things, he is probably not going to step down at any point in the near future. Museveni rose to control in 1986 subsequent to ousting Tito Okello in a tactical upset. From that point forward, Uganda has remained politically stable with the exception of the Lord Resistance Army that works in the wildernesses of Uganda and the DRC. For similar period, the United States has had six presidents. Museveni rules Uganda with an iron clench hand and pulverizes any individual who goes against his system, however he isn’t viewed as a tyrant.