10 + Surprising Facts About Shia Islam

Majlis (Gathering)

Surprising Facts About Shia Islam-Majlis (Gathering)
Majlis implies get-together of individuals, and these individuals have an extraordinary solidarity in this. Majlis alludes to social affair for Imam Hussain and to show love towards Him. There are extraordinary spots for these get-together known as Imam Bargah however many individuals used to accumulate individuals at their homes for this reason. In majlis there is a speaker and other are audience members and speaker talks about the awfulness of Karbala and afterward audience members sob on that bad form being finished with Hussain and his family and show their adoration and compassion along these lines. First Islamic month which is Muharram is vital with this respect and every day of this current month has majlis in all of the Imam bargah’s. This pattern of majlis was begun by Syeda Zainab a.s, sister of Hussain a.s and afterward it was trailed by their devotees and afterward so on.