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10 + Surprising Facts About Shia Islam



FACTS 10 + Surprising Facts About Shia Islam

Imam Bargah

Surprising Facts About Shia Islam-Imam Bargah

Surprising Facts About Shia Islam-Imam Bargah

Imam bargah implies a room or a spot expected to sob in affection for Imam Hussain and their mates. After the demise of Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), His little girl Syedda Fatima Zehra (a.s) breathed easy while shouting and sobbing for Her dad. Individuals of Madina had tell Hazrat Ali as (Husband of Fatima) that they were getting upset with constant shouting of Fatima (a.s). Hazrat Ali sets aside a unique space for Fatima outside the Madina for this reason, where Fatima can sob and shout for Her dad. The room which was made for this reason by Ali was named as “Lure ul-Huzan” and was first Imam Bargah. After that now a days there are billions and millions of Imam Bargah in this existence where all Shia’s go consistently and show their affection with Hussain and his loved ones.

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