10+ Surprising Facts About Islamabad

The capital city of Pakistan will be made sense of on Facts about Islamabad. Islambad is situated in the Pothohar Plateau or northwest of the country. It is otherwise called the rich nature. Thus, you can see numerous wonderful perspectives at there, like mountains. Margalla Hills additionally encompasses the city. Pakistanis are the inhabitants of Islamabad. The following are ten intriguing realities about Islamabad.
So here are 10 + Surprising Facts About Islamabad!

Surprising Facts About Islamabad-Environment
A moist subtropical environment is the environment of Islamabad. While winter, summer, spring, pre-winter, and blustery rainstorm are the times of Islamabad. Winter is begun from November to February, Spring from March to April, Summer from May to June, Rainy Monsoon from July to August, and Autumn from September to October. June is the most sweltering month, while the wettest month is July, and January is the coolest month.