10 + SuAbout Belarusrprising Facts

Sandwiched by Poland, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia – Belarus possesses a genuinely neglected corner of Eastern Europe.
In any case, with delightful primitive backwoods to be found, tasty potato hotcakes to be eaten and colossal buffalo to be detected, it’s time it got a ping on your movement radar.
So here are 10 + Surprising Facts About Belarus!
Around 40% of Belarus is covered by timberland.

Surprising Facts About Belarus-Around 40% of Belarus is covered by timberland.
In some cases alluded to as the ‘Lungs of Europe’, Belarus is home to one of the last and biggest leftover pieces of the gigantic primitive woods that once covered the European Plain – the Białowieża Forest. You’ll likewise track down a few shocking public parks to investigate here, great for devoted walkers and fanatics of the natural air. Gracious, and the green stripe on the Belarusian banner really addresses its backwoods.