10+ Interesting Facts About Wonder Woman

Past Live Action Adaptations

Intresting Facts About Wonder Woman-Past Live Action Adaptations
There have been many efforts to make a true to life Wonder Woman, the vast majority of them fruitless. In 1967, there was a bombed TV pilot entitled Who’s Afraid of Diana Prince?, which was intended to have a similar unconventional feel as the effective Batman series of the time. In it, Linda Harrison played Wonder Woman, while her change self image, Diana Prince, was played by Ellie Wood Walker. Then, at that point, a made-for-TV film featuring Cathy Lee Crosby hit the little screens in 1974.
Simply a year after the fact, Diana would get back to the little screen played by Lynda Carter for another TV program on ABC. It was dropped after its most memorable season, yet CBS revived the show and kept it on for two additional years. In 2011, NBC endeavored to take Wonder Woman back to TV with their own TV reboot. Adrianna Palicki, who currently plays Mockingbird on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., was given a role as Wonder Woman, yet the venture was dropped before the pilot might air.
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