10 Facts About Dajjal That Will Surprise You
As Muslims, we accept that Allah is one and Prophet Muhammad PBUH is his last prophet. These are numerous realities about Dajjal in Islamic examinations like 70,000 jews will be his devotees and he will be dazed with one eye. He will not have the option to enter Madinah, Saudi Arabia.
So here are 10 Facts About Dajjal That Will Surprise You!
Each Prophet that came in Islamic history cautioned the ummah about the misleading Messiah (Dajjal).

Facts About Dajjal That Will Surprise You-Each Prophet that came in Islamic history cautioned the ummah about the misleading Messiah (Dajjal).
Muslims, Jews, and Christians accept that Dajjal will show up one day. We have portrayed how Dajjal will seem to be.
Dajjal will be visually impaired with one eye

Facts About Dajjal That Will Surprise You-Dajjal will be visually impaired with one eye
Prophet Muhammad PBUH alluded to Dajjal as Al-Awar which means blind with one eye. Prophet Muhammad PBUH said that Dajjal’s right will drift like a grape and its left eye will be blemished as well.
Dajjal’s Hair

Facts About Dajjal That Will Surprise You-Dajjal’s Hair
As refered to in Sahih Bukhari 3439, 3440 as well as in Ibn Majah 4071 that Prophet Muhammad PBUH portrayed a reality about Dajjal’s appearance that he will have wavy hair as well as he will have loads of hair.
Kaafir will be composed on Dajjal’s Forehead

Facts About Dajjal That Will Surprise You-Kaafir will be composed on Dajjal’s Forehead
Prophet Muhammad PBUH said that the word Kaafir would be composed between his eyebrows and temple and a devotee of Allah can undoubtedly detect it. (Refered to from Sahih Muslim 2933 b). What’s more, in Sahih Muslim 2934 b, it is expressed that even a uninformed individual would have the option to see and understand it.
Dajjal will not have the option to enter Madinah and Makkah

Facts About Dajjal That Will Surprise You-Dajjal will not have the option to enter Madinah and Makkah
It is referenced in Shah Muslim 2943 a, that Dajjal can’t enter Makkah and Madinah. As well as, different hadiths have likewise expressed this reality;
He will have sufficient ability to make a dead, alive!

Facts About Dajjal That Will Surprise You-He will have sufficient ability to make a dead, alive!
According to Sahih Bukhari 1882, Dajjal will have sufficient ability to kill an individual and make him alive once more.
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The greatest fitnah in history

Facts About Dajjal That Will Surprise You-The greatest fitnah in history
It is accounted for in Sahih Muslim 809 a that whoever knows the initial ten refrains of Surah Al Kahf will be shielded from Dajjal.
70,000 Jews will follow Dajjal

Facts About Dajjal That Will Surprise You-70,000 Jews will follow Dajjal
It is expressed in Sahih Muslim 2944 that Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, “Dajjal will be trailed by 70,000 jews.”
Water and Fire

Facts About Dajjal That Will Surprise You-Water and Fire
It is expressed in Sahih Bukhari 7130, that Dajjal will accompany fire and water. What might appear to be water, will be endlessly fire will be cold water.
Isa (AS) will kill Dajjal

Facts About Dajjal That Will Surprise You-Isa (AS) will kill Dajjal
Prophet Isa (AS) will kill Dajjal at Bab e Ludd in Israel. (Refered to from Jami Tirmidhi 2244).
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