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10 Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic




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Arabic is one of the most beautiful language yet it can also be very difficult to pronounce.

So here are 10 Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic!

 قهوة – (ʾahwah) “Coffee”

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-coffee

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-coffee

For Example : أنا بحب قهوتي سادة.
(ʾanā baḥebb ʾahwetī sādah.)
“I like my coffee without sugar or milk.”

 صبح – (ṣobḥ) “morning”

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-morning

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-morning

For example : أنا دايماً بكون مستعجلة الصبح.
(ʾanā dāyman bakūn mistaʿǧilah al-ṣubḥ)
“I’m always in a hurry in the morning.”

 زنجبيل – (zangabīl) “ginger”

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-ginger

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-ginger

For Example : الزنجبيل كويس عشان الكحة.
(el-zangabīl kwayyes ʿašān el-koḥḥah.)
“Ginger is good for a cough.”

أغنية – (ʾoġneyyah) “song”

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-song

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-song

For Example : تحب تسمع أغنية إيه؟
(teḥebb tesmaʿ ʾoġneyyeẗ ʾeīh?)
“What kind of song would you like to listen to?”

 مشغول – (mašġūl) “busy”

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-busy

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-busy

For Example : أنا مشغول أوي النهارده.
(ʾanā mašġūl ʾawī el-nahārdah.)
“I’m quite busy today.”

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سلحفة – (solḥefāh) “turtle”

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-turtle

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-turtle

For Example : أنا زمان كنت بربي سلحفة.
(ʾanā zamān kont barabbī solḥefah.)
“I used to take care of a turtle.”

امتحان – (ʾemtaḥān) “exam”

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-exam

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-exam

For Example : عندي امتحان بكرة.
(ʿandī ʾemtaḥān bokrah.)
“Tomorrow, I have an exam.”

احتلال – (ʾeḥtelāl) “occupation”

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-occupation

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-occupation

For Example : نهاية الاحتلال البريطاني في مصر كان سنة 1956.
(nehāyah el-eḥtelāl el-brīṭānī fī maṣr kān sanat 1956.)
“Termination of the British occupation in Egypt was in 1956.”

 ربيع – (rabīʿ) “spring”

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-spring

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-spring

For Example : بيتميز فصل الربيع في مصر بإنه مليان عواصف رملية.
(beyetmayyez faṣl el-rabīʿ fī maṣr bʾennoh malyān ʿawaāṣef ramleyyah.)
“Spring, in Egypt, is known to have a lot of sand storms.”

 خريف – (ḫarīf) “fall or autumn”

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-fall or autumn

Difficult Words to Pronounce in Arabic-fall or autumn

For Example : بلبس جاكيت خفيف في الخريف.
(balbes ǧāket ḫafīf fī el-ḫarīf.)
“I wear a light jacket in fall.”

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