10+ Differences Between ISLAM and SIKHISM

Basic Elements of Practice

Differences Between ISLAM and SIKHISM-Basic Elements of Practice
There are remarkable contrasts in how Sikhs and Muslims lead the everyday practice.
Sikh practices include:
Three support points or crucial standards: reflection on God; genuine acquiring by difficult work; sharing assets; and performing local area administration
Five fundamentals convictions: one maker; ten authentic masters; the sacred writing of Guru Granth; the lessons of the ten masters; the inception customs of the 10th master
Five statements of belief worn on the body by starts: unshorn hair covered by a turban; wooden brush; steel arm band; stylized short blade; uniquely planned underwear
Islamic practices include:
Five support points or key standards: declaration; supplication; journey; good cause; fasting
Six statements of belief and faith in: a sole god (Allah); saintly creatures the prophets of old; the Quran sacred text; revival and existence in the wake of death; predetermination and destiny as the desire of Allah