10 Companions That Prophet Muhammad Promised Heaven

From the beginning of life on earth till this day and ages to come, the main expectation that we as Muslims are hopeful about is the conviction that some time or another all our high points and low points will reach a conclusion and we will be compensated plentifully in heaven. With the beauty of Allah some among the Muslim ummah have known about their destiny that their last dwelling place is Jannah.
So here are 10 Companions That Prophet Muhammad Promised Heaven!
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (573-634 C.E)

Companions That Prophet Muhammad Promised Heaven-Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (573-634 C.E)
Abu Bakr was given the title of “As Siddiq” or” (Testifier to the Truth). He was over two years more youthful than prophet Muhammad and the first among men to enter Islam. He was generally an extremely close friend of the Prophet Muhammad. Furthermore, he understood him better than some other man.
Umar ibn Al-Khattab (584-644 C.E)

Companions That Prophet Muhammad Promised Heaven-Umar ibn Al-Khattab (584-644 C.E)
He rules from Quraish, the clan of Banu Adi. Furthermore, lived as perhaps of the most impressive and most powerful Muslim caliph known in history and succeeded Abu Bakr as the subsequent caliph. This is the man whose name is matched with equity and truth, strength and fortitude, and plainness and purity. He was devout, noticing and dreading Allah, and shouting out of dreading Him. He is the subsequent Caliph and one of the parents in law of the Prophet. His change to Islam denoted the start of another period of the call.
Uthman ibn Affan (577-656 C.E)

Companions That Prophet Muhammad Promised Heaven-Uthman ibn Affan (577-656 C.E)
Uthman ibn Affan was brought into the world in Taif, close to Mecca roughly six years after the Year of the Elephant to a well off group of Quraish. All through his life he was caring, liberal man and, surprisingly, before his transformation to Islam he would openly give cash to help those out of luck. His union with two girls of the Prophet had procured Uthman the epithet Dhun-Noorayn (the one with the two lights).
Ali ibn Abi Talib (600-661 C.E)

Companions That Prophet Muhammad Promised Heaven-Ali ibn Abi Talib (600-661 C.E)
Ali was brought into the world on the thirteenth Rajab the period of the Elephant. The affection among Ali and the prophet was heavenly on the grounds that they shared a ton practically speaking; not looks nor mentality however they were both brought into the world in the period of the Elephant and both shared a typical granddad, Abdul Mutalib.
Talha ibn Ubaidullah (596-656 C.E)

Companions That Prophet Muhammad Promised Heaven-Talha ibn Ubaidullah (596-656 C.E)
Talha was an individual from the clan of Abu Bakr. He was a fruitful financial specialist who made a trip toward the north and south of the Arabian Peninsula and gathered a ton of benefit. The Prophet said about Talha:
“He, who wants to see a saint strolling on the ground, let him take a gander at Talha receptacle Ubaidullah.”(Mishkat, Ibn Hisham)
The Messenger of Allah once wore two layers of covering and attempted to get up on a stone, yet couldn’t, so Talha crouched under him, lifting the Prophet with the end goal that he could sit on the rock. Allah was so satisfied with Talha’s assistance and the Prophet informed Talha that Paradise was currently compulsory on him. (Tirmidhi) He came to be known as “Talha the Generous” and “Talha the Good” for his liberality. He was notable for aiding those under water, families encountering troublesome times, and widows.
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Az-Zubair canister Al-Awwam (596-656 C.E)

Companions That Prophet Muhammad Promised Heaven-Az-Zubair canister Al-Awwam (596-656 C.E)
He is notable in the books of seerah as “The Disciple” of the Prophet. The Prophet himself gave him this title. He was likewise an unmistakable sidekick of the prophet and cherished him without question. His adoration was not simply because of the connection between Allah’s Messenger and him.
Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf (580-652 C.E.)

Companions That Prophet Muhammad Promised Heaven-Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf (580-652 C.E.)
Abdur-Rahman was perhaps the earliest eight man to acknowledge Islam. He was one of the ten people guaranteed of entering Paradise. Furthermore, one of the six people Umar decided to frame the board of shura to pick the Caliph after his passing. He acknowledged Islam just a brief time after Abu Bakr as-Siddiq did.
Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas (600-675 C.E)

Companions That Prophet Muhammad Promised Heaven-Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas (600-675 C.E)
Sa’d was brought into the world in mecca. He was seventeen years of age when he embraced Islam. Sa’d was the seventeenth individual to embrace Islam. He is for the most part known for his commandership in the triumph of Persia in 636, governorship over it, and political visit to China in 616 and 651.
Sa’id ibn Zayd (593-673 C.E)

Companions That Prophet Muhammad Promised Heaven-Sa’id ibn Zayd (593-673 C.E)
Sa’id ibn Zaid was brought into the world in Makkah in the year 22BH (Before Hijrah). He acquired his dad’s strict convictions of Islamic Monotheism, and acknowledged Islam at an early age. Sa’id with his significant other acknowledged Islam when just a small bunch were Muslims. They went through a wide range of misuse, derision and torment in light of their choice. Sa’id and his significant other Fatimah binti Khattab were instrumental in the change of Umar container Khattab who became one of the best supporters of Islam. He served in the Islamic multitude of victory for quite a while and assumed a significant part in causing the district of Iraq and Syria to turn out to be essential for the Islamic land.
Abu Ubaidah Al-Jarrah (583-638 C.E)

Companions That Prophet Muhammad Promised Heaven-Abu Ubaidah Al-Jarrah (583-638 C.E)
He was depicted as the “Amin” or Custodian of Muhammad’s people group with pride and effortlessness, an attractive, charming, expressive man with a tall, thin physical make-up and splendid sharp eyes. These were the actual great looks of a man whom the Prophet said:
‘Every Ummah (nation) has a trustee: the trustee of my Ummah (nation) is Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah.’
By character and nature, he was exceptionally unassuming and unobtrusive. Among his companions, he was delicate and delicate as silk. At the point when it came to war, he was just about as hard as iron. During the clash of Uhud, he lost his two front teeth. It was inside this fight that two of the iron connections of the Prophet’s protective cap punctured his favored head. Ubaidah container Al-Jarrah hauled them out with his teeth. His respectability and genuineness was unmatched even among the partners of the Prophet.
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