10 Biggest Lies About Hinduism
Hinduism is variously defined as an Indian religion, a set of religious beliefs or practices, a religious tradition, a way of life, or dharma—a religious and universal order to which followers abide. But many people who are not Hindu have misconceptions about hinduism.
So here are 10 Biggest Lies About Hinduism!
Hinduism doesn’t trust in One God.

Biggest Lies About Hinduism-Hinduism doesn’t trust in One God.
This is confusion. As per RigVeda, their is only ONE Supreme “amorphous” God — Para Brahman (in no way related to varna Brahmin and god Brahma). Para Brahman – God is ONE who shows himself into various structures based on his various manifestations.
Hinduism doesn’t put stock in “undefined” God.

Biggest Lies About Hinduism-Hinduism doesn’t put stock in “undefined” God.
We put stock in “undefined” God. As per RigVeda, God lives in the Universe in two ways — Sakaar (with various actual structures) and Nirakaar (undefined). God is ONE Supreme amorphous who takes various structures by his various symbols.
Hinduism is the genuine name of religion.

Biggest Lies About Hinduism-Hinduism is the genuine name of religion.
The real name of Hinduism is Sanatan Dharma (Eternal Truth). Sanatana Dharma – वेद Veda
Hinduism brought forth the “prejudicial” position framework.

Biggest Lies About Hinduism-Hinduism brought forth the “prejudicial” position framework.
This is one of the greatest lie about Hinduism. As per Hinduism, there are 4 Varnas (social progressive system) — Brahmins (Teachers) Kshatriyas (Warriors), Vaishyas (Merchants) and Shudras (Laborers). These were not settled by birth in family. They were chosen by their qualities and Karma. Those Hindus who were educated were called Brahmins. The people who were great in battling at wars were called Kshatriyas. Varna-framework (not rank arrangement) of Hinduism was being dirtied with time. Subsequently rank separation is established into culture of India. It isn’t established into Hinduism.
Hinduism has 330 million divine beings.

Biggest Lies About Hinduism-Hinduism has 330 million divine beings.
This is greatest misguided judgment on the planet. No. We don’t have 33 crore divine beings. As indicated by RigVeda, Hinduism have 33 sorts of Gods. 33 divine beings – Wikipedia “Koti” expression of Sanskrit have 2 implications — Crores and Types. English Translators mistranslated it. Koti in Vedas implies Types, not crore
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It has rule book like Manu smriti, Bhagwad Gita

Biggest Lies About Hinduism-It has rule book like Manu smriti, Bhagwad Gita
It has no regulation book except for different books attempting to keep you on honorable way
Hindus worship stones

Biggest Lies About Hinduism-Hindus worship stones
Hindus accept God is available wherever thus they call him vishnu (vish=all overrunning ;anu=atom) so we love the God with an assistance of components to dhyaan upon
Sati framework is enrooted in Veda

Biggest Lies About Hinduism-Sati framework is enrooted in Veda
Veda has no stanzas on Sati ;Sati in Samskrit implies plain lady/righteous lady
Veda says ladies are mediocre compared to men

Biggest Lies About Hinduism-Veda says ladies are mediocre compared to men
ladies were engaged with recording sections of veda
Sudras are denied from society in light of veda

Sudras are denied from society in light of veda
Veda characterize people into classes according to their karma. It does says Sudra are made from Purusha’s foot however it additionally says bhoomi (earth) is made from his foot so do you suppose Sudras are useless while you acclaim Earth?
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