10 Best Foods In Romania

Salata de vinete (Roasted Eggplant Salad)

Best Foods In Romania-Salata de vinete (Roasted Eggplant Salad)
Perhaps of the most cooked and eaten Romanian hors d’oeuvre, the eggplant salad is the ideal decision for a fast bite and an astounding starter for a customary Christmas supper. It is simple and modest to make, and you can finish off it with tomatoes or feta cheddar.
The customary method for setting up this hors d’oeuvre is to cook the eggplants on a barbecue until they become truly delicate, yet you can likewise broil them on the burner or prepare them in the stove. A while later, you should simply eliminate the skin, cleave them, and dress them either with sunflower oil and slashed onions or mayonnaise and garlic.