10 Best Foods In Romania


Best Foods In Romania-Balmos
100 percent Romanian, balmoș is a customary shepherd dish, a veritable recognition for the well known mamaliga, which will take your breath away while tasting it. It’s greasy, it’s rich and tacky, it’s delicate and sleek like a cream however weighty and wealthy in taste, and it has lots of cheddar in it.
Sharp cream is overflowed with margarine and a touch of salt for two or three minutes. Then, the corn flour is added until it is appropriately overflowed without any knots in it, lastly, a lot of pungent customary matured cheddar is added.
Served extremely hot, with a few margarine and sweet cheddar on top, balmoș is the ideal dish for cold winter evenings when all you need is something really scrumptious and consoling. Partake in this delectable dish following this amazing balmos recipe.
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