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10 Angels Surprisingly Named In Islam



10 Angels Surprisingly Named In Islam


Angels Surprisingly Named In Islam-GABRIEL ANGEL

Angels Surprisingly Named In Islam-GABRIEL ANGEL

Islam sees Gabriel as a lead celestial host sent by God to different prophets, including Muhammad. The Angel Gabriel is thought of as the most significant of all the holy messenger in Islam. The Angel Jibril’s primary obligation is to convey the Words of Allah to his prophets.
URIEL ANGEL: Uriel is much of the time distinguished as a seraph and the heavenly messenger of contrition. He “remains at the Gate of Eden with a red hot sword”, or as the holy messenger who “looks after thunder and fear”. Chief heavenly messenger Uriel is known as the heavenly messenger of shrewdness. He focuses the radiance of God’s reality into the murkiness of disarray. Uriel signifies “God is my light” or “fire of God.”

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