10 Amazing Miracles of Prophet Muhammad

The night venture (Isra) and rising (Miraj)

Amazing Miracles of Prophet Muhammad-The night venture (Isra) and rising (Miraj)
This is one of the most astonishing marvels of the Prophet (pbuh). It is called Al Isra wal Miraj. It was the night that the Prophet (pbuh), under the direction of chief heavenly messenger Gibril (pbuh) ventured to every part of the Kaaba in Makkah to Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem and afterward to the sky, to the high domains and to the presence of God. On this excursion, he met the Prophet before him including Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus) and Ibrahim (Abraham). He drove them in supplication. He arrived at an exceptionally high spot where he could hear the pens composing individuals’ deeds. He saw paradise and damnation. What’s more, he (pbuh) was raised, and he met his Lord, the Magnificent, and the benevolent. This occurrence is described in the sacred Quran and hadith.