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10 Absolutely Cringe Stories Found In The Bible



10 Absolutely Cringe Stories Found In The Bible

God affirms his agreement with Abram (Genesis 17)

God affirms his agreement with Abram (Genesis 17)-Absolutely Cringe Stories Found In The Bible

God affirms his agreement with Abram (Genesis 17)-Absolutely Cringe Stories Found In The Bible

At the point when the Lord appeared to the 99-year-old Abram in Genesis 17, he spread out the guidelines for how the pledge between them would be affirmed. In return for being the dad of numerous countries, acquiring the place that is known for Canaan, and becoming productive, Abram expected to 1) walk irreproachably before the Lord, 2) change his name to ‘Abraham’, and 3) cut off piece of his penis.

In fact, since circumcision was at that point rehearsed by other Semitic social classes by then ever, Abram was presumably not excessively stunned by the disclosure that a little piece of his life structures would be undergoing surgery. In any case, I can envision a concise, off-kilter quietness as of now in the discussion as Abram let this specific part of the pledge hit home!

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